
Donald Trump on Sunday defended his failure to challenge a supporter who made anti-Muslim remarks at one of his presidential campaign rallies, by saying he would have responded the same way if the man had attacked black people


Asked on CNN if he would have felt moved to correct the supporter if the man had said “we have a problem in this world, it’s called blacks”, Trump stated he would have done nothing.


Trump also would STILL not acknowledge President Barack Obama was born in the United States, and insinuated on Sunday that the President was a Muslim. Are republicans REALLY going to accept this and not say anything?


Ben Carson states that we should not have a President who is a Muslim.


Well, Ben the Brain Surgeon, you are failing basic civics. The “No Religious Test Clause” of our United States Constitution, in Article VI, paragraph 3, states that:

“all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States”

Seems very plain English that a President can hold any faith (or not hold a faith, for that matter) and that CANNOT be used to deny them a candidacy for public office. This is grade school Civics, folks, so why are so many of you republicans (notice I did not say ALL) refusing to stand up and say something about this?

Do you people REALLY want tests for public office, tests based on whatever whim is held by the majority at the time it was invented? Do you people REALLY want a “litmus test” for when people run for office? Because if you do, just remember that history has shown us time and time again that those in the majority end up being the minority one day. What then?

Far too many Republicans are apparently supporting a government that dictates to Americans who they can love, when women can have children, and giving employers rights of making healthcare decisions irrespective of a medical professional and an informed medical opinion. It is fascism in the guise of right-wing liberty and the personification of what a theocratic government in America will look like if they accumulate any more power.

It sure looks like that is many Republicans and their fanatics had their way, segregation would still exist, abortion would still be illegal, contraception use would garner prison time, and gays would be imprisoned or executed. Last year at a marriage rally, a Christian preacher told several thousand people that “gays should die.”

While I am at it, what is up with jokers like Ted Cruz and Rand Paul and their fanatical supporters and their quest to DESTROY the equality of government in the three branches? Why are a lot of republicans absolutely OK with changing 236 years of America and upsetting the balance of the three branches of government just because the right-wing is all butt-hurt over the decisions of the Supreme Court? And one of the reasons that really chaps my ass is because the republican party was fine and dandy when the Supreme Court was acting like THEY wanted.

Need proof? When Jeb Bush (yes, the same one currently running for President) colluded to destroy the election process in 2000 to get George Bush elected and the Supreme Court worked in their favor, the Supreme Court was BFF’s for all the republicans. When the Supreme Court handed down the Citizens United decision that awarded rights to “corporations” and opened up the ability of unlimited campaign donations for corporations, not a peep of complaint from right wingers. When the Supreme Court released the Hobby Lobby decision that gave a multi-million dollar business the ability to restrict birth control due to religious objections, I cannot find a single objection from republicans. Yeah, when the Supreme Court is doing their legal work based on how the right wing wants it, all is hunkie-dorie, but the second a decision comes out that jokers like Cruz and Paul don’t like, and suddenly we are flooded with “Activist Judges!!!!!!!!” being screamed on FauxNoise 24/7/365.

America has existed for nearly 236 years, and Jefferson’s proclamation that all men are created equal has never been in more jeopardy than today. The fascists who many are calling themselves as republicans are on pace to obliterate the concept of equal rights for all Americans.

This year the Supreme Court recognized that the constitution guarantees marriage equality for all sexes and genders of Americans. In doing so they have reaffirmed that all Americans are entitled to the equal protection of the law, that all people should be treated equally, regardless of who they are or who they love. Yet even after that the Supreme Court decision this year, I have sat and wondered about the fanatical support for Kim Davis in Kentucky for her bigoted and illegal stand.

The gay community is still a target, but can anyone truthfully deny that it is a matter of time before minorities, women, Atheists, Buddhists, or any person who fails to comply with the conservative edicts are fired from their jobs, imprisoned, and executed for the simple mistake of believing that the Constitution guarantees them equal rights? Why is it an overwhelming prospect from many in the GOP that for every step forward in recognizing equality as guaranteed by our Constitution I see America take two steps back.

As I sit and read and watch things and memes posted by people, people who are associated with me as friends and well as colleagues, I find myself looking at things thinking that unlike the few crazy conspiracy theories of the left (which do exist, but are supported only by a tiny fringe) I look and wonder and shake my head at the crazy conspiracy theories of the right that are supported by important people: powerful politicians, television personalities with large audiences. I cannot escape from thinking that nuttiness is found mainly among conservatives.

And it isn’t that conspiracy theories are mostly found among conservatives, a problem is that the people on the right who support crazy conspiracy theories are more important, in general, than the people on the left who support crazy conspiracy theories. Don’t believe that? Look at the current GOP Presidential candidates!

The Declaration of Independence is the founding document of the American political tradition. It articulates the fundamental ideas that form the American nation: All men (and women) are created free and equal and possess the same inherent, natural rights. Government must therefore be based on the consent of the governed and must exist to secure these rights.

So once again, as I sit here and get pissed off on a weekend, I have to ask if what I see is REALLY what the GOP wants for America. Is this what the right-wing now stands for? Racism and violating the Constitutional rights of citizens of the United States of America? Are we really being forced to accept that the right wing supports Presidential candidates that spout racism, bigotry, prejudice, xenophobia, and discrimination?

I believe in the rights of people to agree and disagree on all matters, but it is very depressing when I see basic rights of fellow Americans being trampled, and people that I think of as intelligent and logical sit and not say anything. Even worse, the number of people who actively argue against rights declared in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, friends who are supporting candidates for President who are going out of their way to profess beliefs of racism and bigotry, and nobody makes a peep. But these same people will scream bloody murder at their misconceptions on things done by President Obama, they will argue on second-hand comments of things never done by our President, they will accuse President Obama of violating huge numbers of laws with zero proof while at the same time excusing and embracing the actions of despots like Donald Trump.

I have a HUGE number of friends, good friends, who are Republicans who I am confident would never stoop to discriminating against fellow Americans. I know a large number of them who I trust and admire, many of them being current or former office holders, who I know stand up for humanity and the rights of others.

But as I watch the national stage right now, when I see people who are “front runner” in the republican race for President look at the camera and refuse to defend the rights of black Americans, or they refuse to support equal faith for all Americans, and every day republicans do nothing to condemn those actions, it gives me immense pain.

Disgusting, Disheartening, and just Sad

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